Shop at an Edmond Chamber Member from Friday, November 26, through Saturday, December 4th and for every $20 spent, your name will be entered as a raffle entry. On Wednesday, December 8th there will be a drawing for two $50 gift cards and one $100 gift card to an Edmond Chamber member of the winner’s choosing.
Fill out the form below with your name, mailing address, phone number, and email and upload the receipt from your purchase. Multiple receipts can be submitted. Receipts will only be accepted for purchases made on Friday, November 26th through Saturday, December 4th. All receipts must be submitted by Monday, December 6th. Excludes: grocery stores, medical and pharmacy purchases, professional services, and cost of labor.
To view a list of Edmond Chamber Members, click here.
For questions, please contact Kristen King at kking@edmondchamber.com or call (405) 216-2031. Please note our staff will not be in the office during weekend hours, but we will be reachable by email for your questions.
Small Business Raffle Submission Form
"*" indicates required fields