Thom Bishop-Miller
Humanity Hospice
Thom Bishop-Miller –
Thom Bishop-Miller has been an LPN for 29 years and is currently the Director of Business Development for Humanity Hospice.
Thom is a published author, he loves to travel and enjoys his family and 4 grandchildren.
If you were to pick one song to describe you as a person, what song would you choose? “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars.
What famous celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? Owen Wilson.
Share one interesting fact with the public that they may not know about you? I am a published author!
What is your “signature dance move?” The basics, side to side trying to stay with the beat, lol.
What are you most looking forward to about the Edmond’s Dancing with the Stars event and supporting the Edmond Chamber of Commerce? This is such an amazing event! I am looking forward to learning a new dance, meeting new people, and helping to raise money to continue the amazing programs the Edmond Chamber has to offer our community!